New Chapter

Created by LaNiece 12 years ago
Born the youngest of three on March 3, 1989. Jamal M. Holland, who would later be nick named "Sid", was a blessing to this life. To have known him you would be able to relate, always laughing and joking, lacking enemies, envy, or hate, a heart of gold, beat in his chest. He attended, East End and Mosby Middle Schools, and Armstrong High School, where he played b-ball and volleyball. He married his high school sweet heart, and they moved to the North side of Richmond, where he then attended ADULT Career Development Center in an attempt to obtain his diploma. A week before his test was scheduled, he was gunned down during a wreckless robbery and passed before reaching the hospital. He stayed loyal to a group of friends, whom did the same to him, and met many others along the way who loved him just as much. He left behind a loving mother and friend Mama V, and two talented brothers, Mickey & Dino. He lived a full lifetime in his 19 years, but he left us all TOO SOON. .